Thursday, December 1, 2016

Configure EAPS in EXOS (Extreme Networks)

Configure EAPS in ExtremeOS
EXOS version

This guide will help you with the commands for setting up EAPS with 3 routers in a ring.  You need to have 1 router set as "master" and the other 2 set as "transit" modes.

EAPS is very easy to set up... most all of the code you can copy and paste.
Configure EAPS (R1) Master Node:

configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 2 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 2 tagged
configure eaps fast-convergence on
create eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring mode master
configure eaps eaps_ring primary port 46
configure eaps eaps_ring secondary port 45
enable eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring add protected vlan VLAN_100
configure eaps eaps_ring add control vlan VLAN_900
enable eaps

Configure EAPS (R2) Transit Node:

configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 2 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 2 tagged
configure eaps fast-convergence on
create eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring mode transit
configure eaps eaps_ring primary port 46
configure eaps eaps_ring secondary port 45
enable eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring add protected vlan VLAN_100
configure eaps eaps_ring add control vlan VLAN_998
enable eaps

Configure EAPS (R3)  Transit Node:

configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_100 add ports 2 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 1 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_900 add ports 2 tagged
configure eaps fast-convergence on
create eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring mode transit
configure eaps eaps_ring primary port 46
configure eaps eaps_ring secondary port 45
enable eaps eaps_ring
configure eaps eaps_ring add protected vlan VLAN_100
configure eaps eaps_ring add control vlan VLAN_998
enable eaps

Configure SNMPv3 in ExtremeOS (EXOS)

Configure SNMPv3 in ExtremeOS
EXOS version

This set up will walk you through how to set up SNMPv3 with READ and WRITE USERS.  We will be sending snmp traffic to a netsight server.

Youtube Video  --->

Configure SNMPv3 USERS:

configure snmpv3 add user "testv3read" authentication md5 "authPassword" privacy "priPassword"
configure snmpv3 add user "testv3write" authentication md5 "authPassword" privacy "priPassword"

Configure SNMPv3 Group:

configure snmpv3 add group "v3snmpRead" user "testv3read" sec-model usm 

configure snmpv3 add group "v3snmpWrite" user "testv3write" sec-model usm

Configure SNMPv3 Access:

configure snmpv3 add access "v3snmpRead" sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view "defaultAdminView" write-view "All" notify-view "defaultAdminView"

configure snmpv3 add access "v3snmpWrite" sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view "defaultAdminView" write-view "defaultAdminView" notify-view "defaultadminView" 

Configure SNMPv3 Target Address:
This example will be sending this to a Netsight server for monitoring.

configure snmpv3 add target-addr "NetSight" param "NetworkTeam" ipaddress "" tag-list "TrapSink" 

configure snmpv3 add target-params "NetworkTeam" user "testv3read" mp-model snmpv3 sec-model usm sec-level priv 

configure snmpv3 add notify "v3v" tag "TrapSink" 

Disable SNMPv1&2:
we disable v1 and v2 for security purposes.. no need to have the default settings available

disable snmp access snmp-v1v2c

You should be able to add your device in netsight using snmpv3.  

*If you are using Inventory Manager to back up your configs make sure you set up CLI Credentials..... you will not be able to preform backups or push code updates to the switch if you do not have this set up.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Configure OSPF with Extreme EXOS - Area Zero

Here is the outline for how to get OSPF running on 3 Extreme routers and then connecting them to a Cisco router to simulate an outside connection.

Here is a video if you want to watch:
Things to keep in mind
  • Your Router that will be connecting your the WAN/Internet needs to have "OSPF export"  to route the other interfaces in your ospf domain.  I am doing this with a static route in "Extreme 1"
    • If you have interfaces on a local router you will advertise them by exporting them as "direct" routes.
  • All routers need to be in the same area.  Area is the default.
  • Every router needs to have a different RouterID.
  • Vlan 999 is my link out to the WAN.

Extreme 1 Config:

create vlan "VLAN_0900"
configure vlan VLAN_0900 tag 900
create vlan "VLAN_0902"
configure vlan VLAN_0902 tag 902
create vlan "VLAN_0999"

configure vlan VLAN_0999 tag 999
configure vlan VLAN_0900 add ports 46 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0902 add ports 45 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 48 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0902 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0900
configure vlan VLAN_0902 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0902
configure vlan VLAN_0999 ipaddress

enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0999
configure iproute add default

configure ospf routerid
enable ospf
enable ospf export static cost 5 type ase-type-1
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0900 area link-type point-to-point
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0902 area link-type point-to-point

Extreme 2 Config:

create vlan "VLAN_0900"
configure vlan VLAN_0900 tag 900
create vlan "VLAN_0901"
configure vlan VLAN_0901 tag 901
configure vlan VLAN_0900 add ports 45 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0901 add ports 46 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0900 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0900
configure vlan VLAN_0901 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0901

configure ospf routerid
enable ospf
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0900 area link-type point-to-point
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0901 area link-type point-to-point

Extreme 3 Config:

create vlan "VLAN_0901"
configure vlan VLAN_0901 tag 901
create vlan "VLAN_0902"
configure vlan VLAN_0902 tag 902
configure vlan VLAN_0901 add ports 45 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0902 add ports 46 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0901 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0901
configure vlan VLAN_0902 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0902

configure ospf routerid
enable ospf
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0901 area link-type point-to-point
configure ospf add vlan VLAN_0902 area link-type point-to-point

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Configure Vlan Extreme Networks EXOS - Basic VLAN Config Guide

This is a basic guide to get a Extreme Networks EXOS router up and going.  I am working with a Extreme X670-G2 and it is running on Code Version 21.

Create Vlan:

create vlan 900
      *  If you use numbers when you create your vlan it will show up as "VLAN_900"
      *  If you are using just text your vlan will just be in quotation marks.  ex:  "employees"

configure vlan "VLAN_0900" tag 900
    * This sets the numerical value of your vlan to your created vlan.
    * This DOES NOT tag you vlan.

configure vlan VLAN_0900 add ports 48 tagged (or untagged)
   *  This command will allow you to tag or untag your vlan on a port.

configure vlan VLAN_0900 ipaddress
   *  Configure a routed interface.

enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0900
   *  allows your interface to forward traffic through the vlan to the next hop.

Quick Setup:

create vlan 900
configure vlan "VLAN_0900" tag 900
configure vlan VLAN_0900 add ports 48 tagged (or untagged)
configure vlan VLAN_0900 ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_0900

Extreme Network How to Guides

I am new to Extreme Network,  I came from a Enterasys and Cisco background so I am slowly converting to Extreme Network's XOS operating system.

There command structure, in my opinion is more "human" than cisco which I like but there are still some funky commands.  So this blog will hopefully help you along with starting out.