Friday, August 4, 2017

Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu

First, make sure you have the necessary Debian/Ubuntu support packages installed:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5

Download the tar.gz file then navigate to folder

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar zxvf anyconnect-predeploy-linux-64-3.1.11004-k9.tar.gz
$ cd anyconnect-3.1.11004/vpn
$ sudo ./

Accept the terms and Finish

You should be able to search for Cisco AnyConnect and use the program.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Configure Stacking EXOS (Extreme Networks)

Configure Stacking in ExtremeOS
EXOS version (X450 Switches)

*NOTE -  Enabling stacking will wipe your configuration.  I have started enabling stacking on all switches from the beginning to future-proof growing switch configurations.    

The easiest was to enable stacking:

Step 1 - do a "show version" on all of the switches.  All will need to be on the same version.
Step 2 - Make sure all switches are on the same partition.
Step 3- Make sure Stacking cables are connected.. they are 40Gig QSPF+ ports... We got our "stacking cables" from for about 1/4 of the price of the Extreme Networks stacking cables.

*****Make sure every switch is on the SAME FIRMWARE and the SAME PARTITION.

configure stacking easy-setup

This will wipe any configuration you have on the switches and enable stacking after a reboot. you will be left with a default config.

 you should be able to do "show stacking" to see what switches are configured.

If everything went well you should see all of the switches showing a "Active" state.  If not check the version off all your switches.. also make sure you have stacking lights on the back of your switches.

Handy Commands for EXOS switches

These are some handy commands if you looking for certain information in EXOS.  I will continue to update this list as i find more useful commands.

show port "port" information details
- General information about a port.

show port vlan | begin "port"
- Vlans that are egressed out of a port

show vlan
- Shows all VLAN's, VID, routed interfaces and protocols used on VLAN's

show iproute
- shows all routes

show sharing
- Shows LACP links

show port statistics
show port statistics no refresh | "port"
- The first command will give a running statistics for all ports.  You can use "U" and "D" to scroll through the ports
- The second command will give you the snapshot of statistics for a single port.... you can not do a running statistic report for a single port currently on v21 or below.

disable inline-power ports 1:1
- disables poe going to a port.

configure vlan <vlan> add ports 1:1 untagged/tagged
- assigns a vlan to a port..... if a port is already untagged you must take the vlan off before you can add a new untagged vlan

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Extreme Networks - Configure LACP (Port-Channels)

Configure LACP in ExtremeOS
EXOS version

Extreme handles LACP a lot differently than most vendors.  Instead of creating a Port-Channel or a LAG port (Enterasys) EXOS uses "sharing".

Youtube Link --->

Create LACP group (sharing group)

enable sharing 1 grouping 1-2 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
  • The first port will be the MASTER port of the LACP group.  In this case it will be PORT 1.
  • You will only add your VLAN's to the MASTER port.  If you try to add them to the slaves you will get an error.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Configure CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) - Extreme Networks

Configure CDP in ExtremeOS
EXOS version

Step 1:
Create and egress vlan out of your uplink port.  Look here for a review.

Step 2:
Configure the VLAN you will be using as your voice vlan to be TAGGED.

configure vlan VLAN_10 add ports 1 tagged

Step 3:
Configure CDP

enable cdp ports 1
configure cdp voip-vlan VLAN_10 port 1

Step 4:
CDP Detect power (optional)

configure cdp power-available advertise port 1

Quick Setup:

configure vlan VLAN_4010 add ports 1 tagged
enable cdp ports 1
configure cdp voip-vlan VLAN_4010 port 1
configure cdp power-available advertise port 1


disalbe cdp ports 1
configure cdp voip-vlan none ports 1
configure cdp power-available no-advertise ports 1

Monday, January 23, 2017

Extreme XOS DHCP Helper address - Bootprelay

Configure BOOTP in ExtremeOS
EXOS version

If you are new to Extreme networks you will notice that some of the commands will be different than the elephant that is Cisco.

To set up your routed interface to be able to send DHCP requests or BOOTP these will be the commands that you will need to enable this.

Step 1:  Create VLAN

create vlan VLAN_10

Step 2:  Create VLAN Route Statement

configure vlan VLAN_10 ipaddress x.x.x.x
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_10

Step 3.5:  Assign vlan to port

configure vlan VLAN_10 add ports 48 tagged

Step 4:  Configure Bootprelay

configure bootprelay add X.X.X.X vr VR-Default
enable bootprelay ipv4 vlan VLAN_10

* NOTE - If you are running a distributed network with routing happening on multiply routers within your network you need to make sure you enable bootprelay on your uplink vlans that forwards your traffic to the next router that has your DHCP Server on it.  If you do not do this the BOOTP protocols will not be passed on on and you will never receive an ip address from dhcp.