Configure BOOTP in ExtremeOS
EXOS version
To set up your routed interface to be able to send DHCP requests or BOOTP these will be the commands that you will need to enable this.
Step 1: Create VLAN
create vlan VLAN_10
Step 2: Create VLAN Route Statement
configure vlan VLAN_10 ipaddress x.x.x.x
enable ipforwarding vlan VLAN_10
Step 3.5: Assign vlan to port
configure vlan VLAN_10 add ports 48 tagged
Step 4: Configure Bootprelay
configure bootprelay add X.X.X.X vr VR-Default
enable bootprelay ipv4 vlan VLAN_10
* NOTE - If you are running a distributed network with routing happening on multiply routers within your network you need to make sure you enable bootprelay on your uplink vlans that forwards your traffic to the next router that has your DHCP Server on it. If you do not do this the BOOTP protocols will not be passed on on and you will never receive an ip address from dhcp.